101 Crazy Sleep Facts You Might Not Know (Part 4)

101 Crazy Sleep Facts You Might Not Know (Part 4)

The penultimate part of our "101 Crazy Sleep Facts You Might Not Know" series! If you missed the previous parts, click these - part 1, part 2, part 3.

During Sleep

  • People who sleep with their feet uncovered are 75% more likely to have scary nightmares involving toe monsters.
  • The sound of a person snoring can reach up to 90 decibels, equivalent to the noise level of a lawnmower. Hopefully you have thick walls or your neighbours might not be happy!
  • If your partner snores loudly, consider investing in some earplugs or a good white noise machine. Or you could practise the ancient art of "snore jujitsu" to strategically roll them onto their side.
woman covering her ears in frustration at her snoring husband

  • Sleepwalkers have been known to perform incredible things, such as rearranging furniture or practising advanced yoga poses; all without any recollection in the morning.
  • The desire to visit the restroom during the night is termed as "nocturnal micturition." But let's keep it simple; it's merely a midnight dance with the ceramic seat.

Waking Up

  • Woken up with an answer to a problem you couldn't solve the day before? Congratulations, you've experienced "nocturnal genius!"
  • If you find it hard to wake up in the morning, consider setting your alarm to play the sound of a sizzling bacon or a fresh coffee brew. You might jump out of bed automatically.
Woman cooking bacon in a pan in the kitchen
  • Have you ever woken up with your arm numb after sleeping on it? It's called "dead arm syndrome", or, more dramatically, "zombie limb." Be kind to your limbs; they need blood flow too.
  • If you wake up before your alarm goes off and manage to fall asleep again, you've experienced a phenomenon known as "snooze control."
  • Finding yourself waking up with lines on your face from the pillow? You might be suffering from "wrinkle-itis." Dormeo's range of pillows will keep you safe from the traumatic experience of wrinkle-itis.

Did You Know?

  • The phrase "let me sleep on it" isn't just an excuse to avoid making decisions; studies show that sleep can actually help you make better choices.
  • Sleeping on the job used to be frowned upon until "nap pods" became a thing. Now it's called "strategic recharging." Very 21st century.
woman sleeping in her office doing strategic recharging
  • Thomas Edison once said that sleep is "a criminal waste of time" and claimed he only slept two hours a night.
  • The word "insomnia" comes from the Latin "in somniis," meaning "in dreams." So, insomnia sufferers are technically still in the realm of sleep, just not in the most desirable way.
  • Did you know that the record for the most giant stuffed animals hugged in a single night is 73? It's held by a champion sleeper who probably dreams of a fluffy zoo.
  • Want to sleep like royalty? Historically, some European monarchs had their own designated "Chief Bedwarmer" to preheat their beds.
  • "Sleeping like a baby" must mean waking up every few hours, crying for no reason, and having a total disregard for anyone else's sleep schedule.
  • The best thing about sleeping? You can do it with your eyes closed!

There we have it - 101 Crazy Sleep Facts part 4 all done. Part 5 coming soon.

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