5 Tidy Benefits of Good Bed Hygiene

5 Tidy Benefits of Good Bed Hygiene

In the current pandemic, we're all hearing about germs on a daily basis. And, while it's COVID-19 that is making the headlines, that doesn't mean that the rest of the microbial family are taking a holiday. There are plenty of other nasty organisms out there looking to cause trouble, and your bed is one of their favourite places to hang out.

A recent study found that after just one week, pillowcases can have around 17 thousand times more bacteria than a toilet seat, while those left unwashed for four weeks had 39 times the bacteria of a typical pet bowl. With no choice but to spend more time indoors at the moment, it's a really good time to get into the positive routine of good bedroom hygiene.

Below, we're going to take a look of some the benefits of maintaining a clean bed, as well as sharing some helpful tips for ensuring your own is spick and span.

How can you benefit from a clean bed?

There are many reasons that cleaning your bed is beneficial, but we've picked out five of the best to share. It's also important to note that each of these plus points feeds back into the overall benefit of sleeping well and staying healthy, which is so important at the moment.

You will be less susceptible to illness

We've already mentioned how an unclean bed can quickly become infested with bacteria, so it's not surprising that sleeping in a clean bed puts you less at risk of catching illness. Considering we spend about one third of our life either sleeping or attempting to do so, it really is worth making sure that our time is spent in as hygienic surrounds as possible, especially in the current pandemic.

Your bed will be more comfortable

There's something very satisfying about going to sleep in a bed with crisp sheets. In fact, in a poll of the 50 greatest things in life by BUPA, sleeping in a freshly made bed was voted as Britain's favourite experience. And, while this is not a benefit that can be measured by exact science, I think we can all agree that it's much easier to drift off wrapped up in comfy, clean bedding.

Your room will have better air quality

Your bed, and especially your mattress, is a magnet for dust and the dust mites that come with it. In an unclean environment there can be millions of particles lurking, which can contribute to the poor air quality in your bedroom overall. By cleaning your bed thoroughly, you can eliminate much of this dust, so breathing will be easier when you try to get to sleep.

You will suffer from allergies less

Along with the dust we've just mentioned, an unclean bed can also play host to all sorts of allergens, such as pet hair, pollen, chemicals, and mould. Each of these can play havoc if you have any allergies, even going as far as keeping you up at night as you sniff and sneeze in bed. A thorough clean will rid your bed of pesky particles, allowing you a peaceful night's rest.

You will get a mental boost

Once you've cleaned your bed, you will feel great and will probably be looking forward to spending some time enjoying your fresh sheets. Additionally, it can be a nice mental boost to have taken care of a task in your home, particularly when we're surrounded with so much negativity at the minute. Even just making your bed every morning is enough to have a positive impact.

Quick tips for keeping your bed clean

Now that we've explored the benefits of cleaning your bed regularly, it's worth sharing a few quick tips for keeping it as hygienic as possible, particularly in light of the current lockdown. Remember, you can also get more in-depth guidance for cleaning a mattress in our mattress care guide.

  • Wash your bedding regularly: Every one to two weeks, you should make a point of stripping your bed covers and washing them at a minimum setting of 60⁰C. You can use a mattress protector to reduce the chance of sweat or skin particles getting onto your mattress.
  • Vacuum your mattress often: Dead skin and dust can accumulate on your mattress, so be sure to vacuum it once a month, paying particular attention to buttons and piping.
  • Tackle stains as soon as possible: The key to avoid stains becoming permanent is tackling them as soon as possible, so be sure to keep an eye out when changing your bedding. If you spot any, find out how to clean them quickly and get to work.
  • Air your bed every day: Don't make your bed right away in the morning, as moisture can get trapped beneath the covers. Instead, throw back your sheets and let the air get to your bed for at least 20 minutes.
  • Upgrade your bed: You can boost the cleanliness of your bed by upgrading to bedding that is designed to keep things as hygienic as possible. Take a look at our Aloe vera, Silver and Fresh mattresses, which make use of natural elements to include anti-allergy and anti-microbial properties. We've also included this tech in our Fresh, Renew and Aloe vera toppers.

Take our advice on the benefits of cleaning your bed and you will experience even better sleep in your crisp and refreshing sheets. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. Visit our blog and advice centre for more sleeping tips.

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