5 Tips to Sooth Allergies for Better Sleep

5 Tips to Sooth Allergies for Better Sleep

From a snoring partner to life's trials and tribulations, there are many disturbances that can interfere with your sleeping pattern. However, there is a disruptor that's easy to overlook compared to the more obvious ones: your allergies.

More than two in five British adults have at least one allergy (AllergyUK) with 59% of sufferers saying that their conditions gets worse in the bedroom. And, during the spring and summer months, the effects for many become much worse, owing to higher pollen counts and the hot and humid weather.

To help you avoid those sneezy, sleepless nights this year, we've put together a few top tips that will assist you in keeping your allergies at bay.

Get tough on hidden bedroom dust mites

Dust mites are a major irritant for many allergy sufferers, and they love nothing more than taking up residence in your bed, bedding, and carpets.

Aim to wash your bed linen at high heat or hot tumble dry them once a week, which will regularly kill 99% of the mites in your sheets. Try to have two or three sets of bed sheets and a spare duvet that you can rotate through, as this will make the process much more manageable.

You should wash your pillow on a high setting every two or three months, but if that's not possible, storing it in the freezer for 24 hours will also kill off mites before a cold wash. Investing in a new pillow every two years will ensure its in the best condition possible.

You should also air out and vacuum your mattress every couple of months and make sure to address any spills or stains as soon as possible. If you have a memory foam mattress, be sure to take a look at our mattress care guide, which will show you how to keep it in good shape.

Go to bed as fresh and clean as possible

As well as having a clean bed to sleep in, it's also important that you're as clean as possible before you go to bed. Taking a bath or shower will ensure your hair is free from pollen and dust particles and that dead skin cells are scrubbed away. Even if you're a morning shower person, a quick visit to the bathroom will help a lot in reducing any allergies.

In addition to this routine, make sure you have a fresh pair of pyjamas to change into, as allergens can cling to their material if you wear them for a few nights in a row.

Nightwear that is made with hypoallergenic fabrics, like wool and cotton, are a good choice as they are naturally resistant to polluting particles and will feel comfy and breathable on your skin.

Keep your pets off your bed

Though a recent study found that allowing your dog to sleep in your bed can be beneficial, this is probably best avoided if you are an allergy sufferer.

Even if you aren't allergic to your dog (or cat), remember that pets spend a lot of their day having adventures around the house and garden so they're likely to pick up a lot of potential allergens on their fur, which they'll then bring to your bed.

Therefore, it's best that you provide your furry friend with their own place to sleep so that you can have a restful night without the sniffles. If you can't bear to be without your pet at night, you could position their bed in the corner of your room so they're still nearby. You should also aim to keep your dog or cat as well groomed and clean as possible to reduce the build-up of dander, pollen, and other allergens in their coat.

Upgrade your bedding and mattress

You will also be pleased to know that there are also anti-allergy bedding and mattresses that you can invest in to make your life a lot easier. For one, there are mattress protectors that you can fit over your existing mattress that will help to keep dust mites to a minimum, as well as protecting against moisture and bacteria. They will also extend the lifespan of your mattress.

It's also possible to make smart buying decisions when you're looking for new bedding. For instance, at Dormeo we have silver and Aloe vera mattresses that incorporate allergy resistant materials like to ensure your bed is always fresh. We also have duvets and pillows made with the same materials that can go a long way towards improving your sleep hygiene.

Find ways to close your window but still stay cool

During the summer months in the UK, opening a bedroom window is typically the go-to method of cooling down a sleeping space. However, it's also the most direct route that pollen and other pollutants can take to invade your room and cause sleep disruption.

Therefore, you should look for alternative ways to stay cool before you open up your window.

Firstly, check that you're not sleeping with a duvet that's too thick for the season, as this can be an oft overlooked cause of tossing and turning. Take a look at our duvet tog guide to make sure you've got appropriate summer weight bedding that won't keep you too warm. Pairing the right duvet with breathable bed sheets, like cotton, is the best way to make your bed comfy in the heat.

You can also take advantage of a few aids to take the temperature down a notch. Try using a floor or ceiling fan to get the air around your bedroom moving, which will help to cool things down. Keeping your blinds or curtains closed through the day is also a great way of deflecting heat and ensuring your bedroom is nice and cool in the evening.

Consider our top tips and you will be able to sleep undisturbed by those pesky allergies this summer. Feel free toget in touchif you have any questions. For more advice, be sure to check out this blog on a regular basis, as well as our advice centre.

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