How to Give the best mother's day gift: a lie-in!

How to Give the best mother's day gift: a lie-in!

If you're a dad, it's likely you've developed a healthy respect for a good night's rest. From those sleepless baby years to 7am Saturday mornings being jumped upon by an excited little one, there's little respite until they become teenagers.

Things can be just as bad or even worse for mothers, with the average mum of two getting just over six hours sleep each night (Chemist4U), which is well below the recommended seven to nine hours. And, while 90% of mums would like a lie-in until after 8am, 58% are awake before that time (Mumsnet).

With this in mind and Mother's Day just around the corner on Sunday 27st March 2022, we've put together some tips for giving your tired partner a lie-in that they'll really appreciate. From keeping the kids occupied to serving her breakfast in bed, there are plenty of ways you can create the perfect opportunity for Mum to sleep in. 

Make sure she has the ideal sleeping environment

One of the most important factors in getting a good night's rest is sleeping in the ideal environment, so be sure to make sure your bedroom is prepared. You'll need to get temperature and light levels just right — the Sleep Charity recommends between 16–18°C and as dark as possible.

While it may be a little late to completely revamp the comfort of your bed in time for Sunday, if you plan to enjoy some lazier mornings in the future, an investment in some new pillows, a duvet, and a mattress topper can breathe new life into a bed. You might even consider a new mattress or bed altogether if yours is getting a bit old.

Disconnect all that disturbance-causing tech

The last thing you want is to set everything up for the perfect lie-in but for an unchecked bit of tech — like an alarm clock going off or a phone ringing — to wake her up. So, switch off that weekday alarm, disconnect that landline, and remove any mobile phones or other distracting bits of kit from the bedroom the night before.

Get up early and see to the rest of the family

While we're sure it's always a pleasure to see the little ones in the morning, when you're trying to have a lie-in at the weekend, they can be a more effective than an alarm clock. The same goes for any family pets who're desperate to see you at the crack of dawn.

So, for Mother's Day, be sure to get up extra early (taking care not to disturb Mum) and take care of the rest of the family, making sure they don't get access to your bedroom. Waking yourself without rousing your partner can be tricky, but a phone alarm set to vibrate under a pillow or placed in a pyjama pocket can do the job.

Leave her to wake up when she wants

Waking up naturally at your own pace can be very beneficial, so this should be your aim when allowing Mum to sleep in. Aim to give your partner some real peace and quiet and let her start the morning when and how she wants to. This way, you can be sure she'll be relaxed and ready to enjoy the rest of her special day.

Make her breakfast in bed

Breakfast in bed with a book

One of the best treats you can offer Mum on Mother's Day is a lazy breakfast in bed. So, be sure to put together a delicious morning meal that's made up of all her favourite fancy breakfast foods, serve it up on a tray, then deliver it to her once she’s awake. Should you need some inspiration, take a look at BBC Good Food's breakfast in bed recipes for some tasty treat ideas.

You could even get the kids involved to make it a real family affair — Mum's sure to appreciate all the effort!

If you have any questions or would like help creating the best environment for sleep, get in touch. And, keep an eye on our blog and sleep advice centre for more great slumber tips.

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