How Stress Can Affect The Way You Sleep

How Stress Can Affect The Way You Sleep

How stress can affect the way you sleep

It is impossible to avoid feeling stressed at times and, in modern life, pressures exist everywhere. It is how we deal with these pressures of life that is paramount. If we cannot combat stress on a day to day basis, it will affect health and general wellbeing, including the way we sleep.

The symptoms of stress

There are many symptoms of stress including poor concentration, depression and feeling fatigued but it can impact the ability to fall asleep through increased worries, which always seem to manifest at night. This can lead to an increase in the number of mistakes being made at work and at home. But the symptoms of stress may also impact physical health and so, tension headaches, migraine, IBS and even palpitations start to become the norm. It is vital that we learn how to combat stress and to develop good sleep hygiene which enables sleep to be more productive.

To help improve sleep patterns and to counteract the effects of stress:

Invest in a comfortable bed

Memory foam mattresses have been found to aid sleep and increase comfort.

Discover which daily stressors cause the most problems

Where there are multiple issues, write them down and try to alleviate some of the easier to solve problems first.

Are there any physical symptoms of stress?

Seek medical advice if necessary.

Consider any stress that exists in the workplace

Increased workloads will equate to increased stress and, sometimes, people are unable to switch off from their problems at the end of the day. This is not conducive to healthy sleep patterns. If possible, delegate some of the workload to others, or discuss rising workloads with those in senior positions. Taking action can empower and de-stress you.

Exercise is useful

Exercise can help to loosen tense muscles and improve the need for sleep. It also releases feel good endorphins in the brain. Even walking for half an hour a day or practicing yoga can really help. Remember not to exercise for at least two hours before retiring to bed, as this will keep you alert and awake.

Eat healthily

Eliminate unhealthy junk food or avoid eating refined sugars. Reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine too.

Negative thought patterns are common, in particular, where stress is prevalent

These negative thought patterns can lead to set behaviours, so thinking that you will not be able to sleep is likely to cause this to happen.

Learn to meditate

This is a wonderful way to alleviate feelings of stress or troublesome thoughts. Practise at any time of the day but especially before retiring to bed at night, as it will instil feelings of calm within.

There is no doubt that stress interrupts sleep patterns, so taking a proactive approach to stress management is vital. Take a look at the range of mattresses on offer from Dormeo and take the first step towards a restful night.

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